P & F

​Parents from within our community make an extremely valuable contribution to St Kieran's through the Parents and Friends Association.  The Parents and Friends Association is a positive influence on our school and community spirit.  

Regular MontjRegular meetings of the association are held, where parents hear reports and make suggestions about the many activities organised by parents and carers on behalf of the school. The meetings and activities of our parents provide an excellent opportunity for making new friendships with other parents, and for hearing what is going on within the school community.  
ActivitesActivities and services organised by the Parents and Friends Association which directly support our school are the St Kieran's Family Fun Day, working bees, tuckshop, uniform shop, social committee and the Pastoral Parents program.School Tuckshop
Our P & F can be contacted on pbrightonpandf@bne.catholic.edu.au
P & F Site
Members of the P & F Executive can access the secure P & F site by clicking the link below.
For access to this site, please apply for an account here